Monday, August 03, 2009

Things to write home about!

Today we got a call from moving company and apparently our shipment will be delivered on WEDNESDAY!! I am SO freaking excited to sleep in my bed. I am hoping and praying that everything comes undamaged. I am also anxious for knives that cut and clothes and shoes. It will be an AWESOME day. We did end up getting 35% reimbursement from moving company for the long delay...I haven't seen the money in my account yet, but they said it was coming.
Also, we are DAYS away from the girls being here in Australia. They leave Monroe Ohio on August 11th and get to Sydney on August 14th. PLEASE PRAY that Quarantine doesn't raise their daily per Diem until after they are finished with 30 day stay. Right now it is $30.10/day for both dogs and they are "threatening" to raise rates to $73/day in August (but apparently they have been saying that for 2 years) --- which is NOT what we budgeted for and would double our quarantine expense. They will be delivered here on September 14 and I cant imagine how exciting it will be!!
When they get here it will be final and permanent. They make house feel like home.
School has been going well. I am trying really hard to keep up and learn everything I need to learn and retain all the information. It has seriously taken over my life. Nat has been very supportive and has even taken me to the movies nearly every weekend. Its a nice break for us to have a date night and we enjoy the cinema.

Well thats it..i am pathetic and am in bed by 9-9:30pm (5:30AM comes too soon!!)

Love you all


Anonymous said...

our schedules are all screwy now - we haven't skyped in weeks!!!!

miss you :)

Hope said...

I am SO happy to hear that your stuff will be there soon. It will seem like Christmas for you, won't it?
And you know I will be praying for the dogs during their long trip home to "mom & dad" :)

Josh and Brin said...

Hi Nat & Chrissi~ i have thought about you guys a lot since your move but just haven't made myself sit down to write. It is strange getting to know your Australian selves, is it not?!
Sonya and Abi are here visiting, Tom and Connie left about 3 weeks ago. And today we are going to my therapy session, a trip to a waterfall.
Really Chrissi, I have so many things to say i really ought just email. love~ Brin

mat said...

hi... my ali add me pls